Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Screw Apple / Steve Jobs and his puritanical tyranny!


You guys REALLY need to create a web-based interface for Encountr......

One made specifically for iPhone users.... so they can use Encountr and see all the nudity they want....

And one for normal PC users too....

All matching with all the same users.
Screw Apple / Steve Jobs and his puritanical tyranny!

See also:

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I now carry BOTH: an android & a phone. I love it! The Android is an HTC Evo, the phone is a MetroPCS Kyocera ($4), service is Google Voice


Unlimited Everything.
The two combined are LESS than I used to pay for ONE.
I have two providers so I have 100% coverage.
When you call me, both phones ring.
I have 24 different business numbers ALL ringing in to the MetroPCS phone as well... with the caller id showing me WHICH business they called!
Also, I can read the web, email, apps, etc while talking to you on the phone - with the web in one hand and the phone in the other.
Not to mention, the battery lasts seemingly forever!  My phone battery lasts 3-5 days! ...because I use it only as a phone.
And my Android battery also lasts 2-4 times longer because I never use it as a phone... only data, email, web.
MetroPCS is awesome quality service.  Unlimited Everything.  $40 per month. 
Google Voice is free. You can have 30 or so that all ring in on one phone....
You can have a unique phone number (with sms service too) for each of your businesses, hobbies, organizations, or other special purposes.  .....all for free!
It's a brilliantly useful setup!

Soon, I'll draw a detailed diagram for you to see how I've laid it out.

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our friends and family ask, "Why the new phone numbers for you guys?" / We answer...

Why the new number?

Even after a year, Ed and I could not remember what digits SPELL, "ED-GEL-BY-DAY".....

And I kinda liked....

0022 Bruce
0033 Ed
0044 Bred Media
0066 Viewer Feedback
0077 Bred Media (en Espanol)
0099 Viewer Feedback (en Espanol)

It's easy for us to remember.

Plus, since they're all Google Voice, all of them can receive text messages too.

I hope and expect this to be the last phone number change for a long long time.


Posted via email from Bruce's Journal