Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Own Masterpiece: The BredTech version 1 customization of Ubuntu

I'm redoing it from scratch. 

I've decided Not to go with Linux Mint.  (Mint has veered too far from Ubuntu.  It really is no longer Ubuntu entirety. No longer 100% compatible with Ubuntu.)

Instead I'll use Ubuntu 9.10

I'll install "The Comprehensive Multimedia HowTo" (from the Ubuntu Forums)...

Then, I'll install ALL the best-of-breed apps.

I'll also add lots of cool customizations like Firefox add-ons, DropBox, etc., etc. (I'm open if you have suggestions!)

Then, I'll do lots of aesthetic changes, shortcuts, menu customizations, etc.

Then, I'll remaster it as a "distro" using remastersys.

Can't wait to get version 1 done to demo for you.

You can give me loads of feedback on how I can improve it.


Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Friday, January 29, 2010

Rebranding Ubuntu Linux Mint to Make Your Own Little Custom "Distro"

Is it possible?
If one wanted to remove all Mint branding on the surface and in name (while still giving all appropriate credit to Mint, Ubuntu, Gnome, Debian, Linux,  etc.),
Install a bunch of cool apps and repositories that are not there by default,
Change the look, theme, etc.
Tweak the appearance,
Organize the launch icons and menu in a special custom way,..
... and give it a new name....
(1)  Could one do this?
(2)  Would removing all Mint branding be easy or hard?
(3)  If yes, how?

(4)  Once it's completely customized, is there a way to take an existing installation, and create a bootable DVD image which would reinstall it? An ISO file?
If not, maybe a partition imaging app (something like Ghost).... so that this little mini "distro" could be easily replicated for others...?

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How to Wirelessly Synch an iPhone / iPod Touch / Android to Ubuntu / Mac / Windows / Any Browser


I think this is very important...

(1) I say Apple sucks for intentionally making their products
incompatible. Obviously.

(2) Here's an alternate solution -- one I am using, and I am
recommending to everyone:

Use Dropbox. ( shameless referral: )

Here's what I do: I put all my Music inside a Music folder within
Dropbox. (In fact, I moved EVERY folder in the Home directory... to
INSIDE my Dropbox folder!)

From any iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, PC, Mac, ANY device with a browser...

I can simply go to, log in, touch Music folder, and touch
a track to automatically download and then play it!

If you want continuous music.... I simply make my own "mix tape" MP3
files... (long MP3 files that will play non-stop for 20 minutes, or 60
minutes, or whatever... of a collection of my favorite tracks -a
playlist contained in one single MP3 file, in other words.) Touch
that one MP3 file and the iPhone downloads it (Fast!)... I can do this
just before walking down the steps to the NYC Subway and I have
non-stop music for the next hour or two or whatever.

To add music or movies: Put them on your computer. (Of course,
everything is within your Dropbox folder!) (Or, you can add them
from anywhere from any device with a browser.)

To remove music or movies: Delete them from your computer. (Or
from any device with a browser.)

This solution is SOOOOO Simple!

I'm sorry, but all the technical configuration recipes listed in the
How To threads in all the online forums.... is far too complex for me
(not to mention my friends who can barely work a mouse!),... AND,
the results don't sound NEARLY as elegant as "my solution".


Happy Jamming!

Use Dropbox. ( shameless referral: )

No, I don't work for Dropbox. I review technology and try to find
easier / better ways to do things... simpler.


PLEASE feel free to email me, or telephone me,
telephone: 646-719-9000

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life is short. Don't back up your data!

Yeah..... well... Life is short.

I could pay $100 for an external drive, and get ONE copy of my data - not synched.

I paid for the DropBox 100GB option, and with the friends I keep referring, I'm almost up to another 6GB free.

So that's 106GB..... for my household's (and businesses') documents, photos, music, audiobooks, videos, whatever....

Shared.  Synched.  Backed up.  Every Saved Version Permanently Un-deletable.  And...  Available to me on every computer and smartphone in the world.  

I like it.


They give you 2GB free...

Click it!

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Monday, January 25, 2010

We are loving Linux Mint 8.

We are loving Linux Mint 8.

Best part: ALL media just plays...... right "out of the box".....  perfectly. 

It's Awesome. 

We like the AuroraMint theme, and the panel at the Top, and we changed the Start Menu icon (too many Linux Mint Logos everywhere), but all those things can be changed so easily!  Love it!

Bruce & Ed

Voice:  646-368-0000

Text:  646-881-4297

"Better than Windows or Mac. Cheaper than both."™

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

My Latest Business Idea

My latest idea:

We help you shop for the best possible deal online, for the perfect PC... We help you order it... have it shipped HERE to us... 

We install Linux on it.  The most elegant, rock solid, version.... ready to play all closed proprietary media formats out-of-the-box.

We install everything, configuration of everything, certify that everything is working as expected..... Then, we ship it to you.

All you have to do is log in.  Your user name & password is already there. Your email, contacts, calendar, everything, is already there.

All software is already installed, configured, and tested.

All printers, web cams, and other peripherals are installed, configured, and tested.

And you get 24/7/365 Tech Support for 3 years. 

For $299 TOTAL.

By the way, we could do the same with an old dusty virus-ridden computer too!  Same price!



Voice:  646-368-0000

Text:  646-881-4297

"Better than Windows or Mac. Cheaper than both."™

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Games of Social Media and How to Win Big

I, for one, totally disagree with the concept that so-called "social media" is some sort of a virtual reality game, played to win something.... what!?  "to make a name for yourself"?  To make sales? Really? To become famous? Really?

Recently I read a big long discussion / debate about which was a better "winning strategy"...   Asking people to RT something.... or not.  And....  Thanking people for RT-ing something..... or not.

My comments on that were:

It's a simple matter of manners.

But, beyond that, just as you had that tinge feeling of gratitude.... it's about recognition. 

When I thank someone for an RT, what I'm really saying is...

"Hey! I noticed that you did that! Even though I may have 8000+ followers, I noticed that YOU did that... and I appreciate YOU!"

No one ever gets tired of being appreciated.

It doesn't clutter anything because, by default, you don't see @ replies to others (unless you follow them too, which is rarely the case).

Being "worthy" is true. But it certainly doesn't mean you shouldn't express gratitude. 

I sincerely thank every follower for any and every thing they do which I'm grateful for.

For me, it's not a success formula.  It's a much higher principal for living than some mechanical rule to try to win some imaginary game.

The Real Success Formula:








My peeps know I love them. 

I do.

And so do you.

In the end......  one day....  you WILL learn.....  that these rules I've written are the ONLY rules that really work.


I love you!

Only Love,


Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Cute Little Joke

An old Italian lived alone in New Jersey .  He wanted to plant his annual  tomato garden, but it was very difficult work as the ground was hard.

His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

Dear Vincent,

I am feeling pretty sad, because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over..  I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.


A few days later he received a letter from his son.

Dear Pop,

Don't dig up that garden. That's where the bodies are buried.


At 4 a.m.. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left..

That same day the old man received another letter from his son..

Dear Pop,

Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances.  

Love you,

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

The Missing Copy & Paste Manual for the Droid / Android Phone

How to Copy and Paste on a Droid

To Copy:

1.  In a text entry box: touch & hold, get a menu.

2.  On a web page:  Menu --> More --> Select Text, then over-select the area you want, (you can then trim it down to what you wanted AFTER you paste it)

3.  In a Gmail email:  Open slider keyboard, Hold Down the "Shift" (capital letters) Key, then over-select the area you want, (you can then trim it down to what you wanted AFTER you paste it).  The text is automatically copied to your Clipboard.

To Paste:

Simply touch and hold the text entry box.  Select Paste.

( If you want to delete what's there first:   Touch and hold the text entry box, then select "Select All", then press your DEL key, then touch and hold the text entry box again, select Paste. )

More info?  Please share it in the Comments below....

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal