Saturday, November 1, 2008

Blog Decisions

A friend of mine writes...


Hi! I'm currently making some fun decisions about blogging. I have an ongoing blog at where I post frequently about random things including working out, science & technology, news reports, movie reviews, politics, and more. But I'm also going to pick some more "specified" blogs, such as one specifically about writing, one with weekly devotionals, and some other ideas that are roaming through my mind.

Do you have any suggestions?



Use them ALL.....

Use to tie them all together into one...

That's the best!


I meant, use ALL of the blogging sites & networks....

As for "CATEGORIES", use TAGS....

1. Post all of your content to your blog.

2. Post your blog to EVERY blogging site and every social networking site (using ).

3. Put topic categories into TAGS.
Create tabs at the top, or menus, which take the reader to that TAG....

For example, a Tab at the top called "Tech News" could link to all items with the TAG, "tech".... taking the reader to a virtual "section", showing him all of your "tech" items only...


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