Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I got audio working on Ubuntu. I discovered that there are 2 apps that have difficulty with PulseAudio. The 2 I was using...Skype & Audacity
And... If you're serious about living off the land, 3Tier Group has wind, solar, and hydro data for your location. http://ping.fm/zwXAI
Fiat's new widget helps improve your carbon footprint via your driving. http://ping.fm/zJ8CD (only italian seems to work for now)
FreeGreen offers free downloadable green house plans. home designs, products, materials, and vendors that are green http://ping.fm/GWj3K
It's been the era of iWhatever for quite some time. Now comes the era of ecoWhatever. Green truly is the new black...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ubuntu Documentation: "...Ubuntu ships with the necessary options disabled and hidden away in hard-to-find places..." http://ping.fm/UmhBT
Then, FINALLY, I googled the problem. I typed, 'sound capture ubuntu' into google and I found the answer. OMG! Why hide such things people!?
Then I spent pretty much the entire rest of the day trying to figure out how to make my microphone jack work. I had tried everything...
It took me about 26 minutes total to install Ubuntu 8.10 today (99% of that time was formatting and installing)...
best summary of the mumbai attacks: India Security Faulted as Survivors Tell of Terror - Wall Street Journal (http://ping.fm/QqyqT)
Our new favorite movie: Slumdog Millionaire (Great reviews turn little-known 'Slumdog Millionaire' into Oscar contender - Chicago Tribune)
Great reviews turn little-known 'Slumdog Millionaire' into Oscar contender - Chicago Tribune http://ping.fm/z2b7h
"There's never been anything like this densely detailed phantasmagoria -- groundbreaking in substance, damned near Earth-shaking in style."

Sunday, November 30, 2008

We just saw perhaps the best movie either of us have ever seen! Definitely OSCAR WORTHY! called, "Slumdog Millionaire" http://ping.fm/zHnmw
The hardest part is going to be keeping my mouth zipped about issues
I'm very opinionated about which people don't understand.
Which means avoiding discussions of religion, politics, or anything
controversial. Focus on being educational, inspirational, positive.
I think, in my blog, I need to be positive. Not negative. Praise. Not
complain/criticize. Help people. Avoid controvery...
Once you have Ubuntu, only reason to run Windows for anything: Apple TIES you to Windows iTunes if you have an iPhone for iPhone OS updates!
An excellent item on how to "Run Windows in a virtual machine using Ubuntu and Virtualbox" (http://ping.fm/AG743)
Read about Google's "User Data Empire" & how they will use Chrome to WATCH EVERYTHING YOU TYPE http://ping.fm/PJRA1
Can ANYONE remember about a month and a half ago? There was talk of gas breaking $5 a gallon? Today it's $1.47 a gallon. WHY WAS IT SO HIGH?
Humanity always overcomes inhumanity... in #Mumbai as in NYC, London,
Madrid, everywhere... http://ping.fm/8gOqb
http://SlyDial.com is already free to use now & is a superior
replacement for text messaging using only 1-2 airtime minutes!
Apple + AT&T are in bed together with the iPhone, & they were totally
unprepared for the revolutionary free tool SlyDial is.
Why? Probably because they see that SlyDial will revolutionize
communication. Thus hurting profit for AT&T. http://ping.fm/Q2JlR
Apple truly does think it is God. Most of Apple's iPhone apps are the
worst in the industry. Yet they block outside developers' apps.
Apple, once again, is blocking the distribution of this cool new free
app to "their" customers (iPhone users). http://ping.fm/Q2JlR
SlyDial has released their new mobile apps for Blackberry, iPhone,
etc. But... http://ping.fm/Q2JlR

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Whenever I get a DM promoting something, I send: hi! please don't send me DMs about anything you're promoting unless i ask about it. thanks!
"I don’t understand how prominent geeks normally so paranoid over spyware and whatnot can ignore Google." http://ping.fm/zrQWg
What is good for the consumer is not good for the company, and that is especially true with Google, which has access to ALL our private data
It's kinda common sense... Everyone knows that spam is anything that's trying to sell you, that you didn't ask for...and everyone hates spam
Once they're on your website, all's fair... They've come to YOU. THAT's when you'll have exactly, 2.5 seconds to tell them why they need you
Make them curious enough to want to check out your site.
Are you wanting to use social media for networking and sales? Best Method: the soft-sell approach. share tips. help people.
To explain a little, I mean... Anything about "what you do", your product, your company, what you're selling, that I didn't ask for, is spam
My Opinion: Your web site link on your profile is ok... Anything about yourself in a msg to me, which I didn't ask for, is spam. Make sense?
Recently I was asked, "What's appropriate & 'not spammy' on Twitter. I'm always learning & open minded & know what offends me." ...
Mumbai Attack Aftermath Detailed, Tweet by Tweet | Danger Room from Wired.com (http://ping.fm/wBsxh)
Tweeting the Terror: How social media reacted to Mumbai - CNN.com (http://ping.fm/iDAS0)
Mainstream Media Acknowledging Twitter (http://ping.fm/ffYLy)
Personally, I would love to see more stories of people doing acts of
kindness & love, big & small, random & organized.
Do I detect a new trend of us honoring people more who do good? Like
"CNN Heroes" & similar shows? http://ping.fm/wzcfz
Today, I'm back on my normal, 50% Perricone / 50% Raw Organic Vegan,
diet. http://twitter.com/BruceEats
Wal-Mart doesn't let people stampede OUT of the stores, past the
cashiers... They COULD prevent stampedes! http://ping.fm/Qscuj
Wal-Mart has to be more than a little responsible for these two
deaths. I believe they WILL be sued. http://ping.fm/Qscuj
If Wal-Mart wants to create this sort of hysteria, they need to be
prepared with orderly lines & corral organizers & security...
Spreading joy, happiness, love to as many people, in the biggest ways
possible, can be the only meaningful purpose of life.
Both the people alive now, and the generations of the future... It's a
very short journey, and we're all family...
I think the only meaningful purpose we could possibly have is to bring
happiness & joy to as many people as possible...
People ask, How do you want to be remembered? Yet SO few people are
rememered at all. Is our purpose to be remembered?
What possibly COULD our purpose for living be...!? Just to
procreate...? The same purpose as a germ...? http://ping.fm/wzcfz
So, if we really do have the lifespan of a housefly, And all that we
know of our world will so soon be completely forgotten...
Everything we know is a flash in the pan. The world's oldest democracy
is only 232 years old. That's a blink of history's eye.
My grandparents' generation: Live for tomorrow. My generation: Live
for now! Screw tomorrow... http://ping.fm/wzcfz
Interest-Only Mortgages would have been laughed out of existance by my
grandparents. My generation: "Sounds good!"
Their grandchildren's (my) generation lived a life of rebelling
against that. "No payments for 90 days." Where credit = cash
My grandparents lived through The Depression. They lived a life of
extreme frugality. Always Saving. Saving. Period.
My older brother is web savy somewhat, but doesn't "see the point" of
Twitter. Few people over 45 do.. http://ping.fm/wzcfz
My mother used email. My father never even used email in his life! My
mother's younger sister became web savy.
This morning I thought, if my parents were still alive, would they be
using Twitter? Facebook? Myspace? No way!
While some things seem to be timeless, like family, friends, love.
Other things are SO one-generational. http://ping.fm/wzcfz
But the people who've lived here are long gone and forgotten.
In reality we really do have the lifespan of a house fly. The city of
New York, & even Its landmarks, may last a while...
The life of a human is like a star in the night sky. It might glow
brightly for a moment. Then go out. Never to be seen again.
About how the most significant greatest memories of our lives will so
soon be forgotten. As if they had never happened.
I had some heavy dreams in that in between time while waking up this
morning. How short life is & gone in a blink.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not since the proliferation of email has the world seen such a
profound new powerful technology. http://twitter.com/brucewagner
Have you noticed how CNN can't stop talking about the PROFOUND NEW
TECHNOLOGY called, http://Twitter.com/brucewagner ?
Re: http://Blip.fm I'd love to see a SHUFFLE playback mode for my playlist....
Indian government HAS NOT asked that #Mumbai be shut down! False! Stop
repeating as fact! http://ping.fm/umxkr
Just as with email, Before repeating (retweeting) "news" CHECK
ORIGINAL SOURCE! #Mumbai http://ping.fm/umxkr
Just as hoax emails go around, hoax Twitter tweets go around FASTER &
get reported as fact! DANGEROUS! http://ping.fm/umxkr
A Twitter Phenominon: People fabricating news, then retweeting it as
fact. Check Source Before Retweeting! http://ping.fm/umxkr
ANY TIME, go to http://search.twitter.com and look at the "Trending topics" at the bottom. THAT is what's happening NOW. In Order. Click 1
... & you'll know what's happening in the world... You'll know more, faster, than CNN or ANYONE on earth...
One cannot overestimate the Power of the Collective Consciousness... Just bookmark this page and look at it any time 24/7...
Mumbai Attack #mumbai Live-updated Wikipedia article has best overall reporting of the incident - see http://ping.fm/YTJvg
Aussie TV star Brooke Satchwell is one of the hostage : http://tr.im/1k0o #Mumbai http://ping.fm/n5tG6 Her account: http://ping.fm/Eun8E

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm loving google maps new "public transit" option on "get directions"... It's better than hopstop.com! Cool! http://ping.fm/dVXXp
Why am I so sleepy lately? Falling asleep for the night, into a deep
sleep, at 8:30pm!? Weird. Raw vegan does that to ya?
I'm thinking that the best diet for me for the long term might be:
Perricone (50%) + Raw Organic Vegan (50%)
I'm thinking of making an exception to my raw organic vegan diet for
turkey day tomorrow. :)
I was mesmorized by the spot... all the way up to the point that
Starbucks was mentioned... http://ping.fm/Pv4GE
This new tv spot is SO profound & represents our own spiritual
phylosophy... http://ping.fm/Pv4GE
The Fed is a private Corp. And those global elite fat cats who OWN the
Fed RUN THIS COUNTRY! So Scary! http://ping.fm/s3SLi
Current Fed Chairman nods as Obama names Paul Volcker, former Fed
Chair... ALL too scary familiar. http://ping.fm/s3SLi
If they'd just set it on the Heart Rate program & hold on to the heart
rate handles. It's as automatic as cruise control! Geez!
Totally into fiddling with their iPods, yet they're not getting the
great cardio workout they COULD be! http://ping.fm/8EhcV
The machine is automatic! Like cruise control! Awesome tech! Yet peope
ignore the heart rate grips...!?!? http://ping.fm/8EhcV
When I use a machine for cardio, I use this:
http://ping.fm/PY7bd do poeple ignore the heart
rate monitor?
Tis the season to take a cab or drive in NYC. Authorities warn of NYC
Subway/Rail terror plot http://ping.fm/qje9i
Last night watched Oprah re "The Blue Zones", areas on Earth where
people live to be well over 100.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This movie is SO important we're gonna be seeding it on the torrent
sites as both AVI & ISO formats!
I wanna watch what those people went through again to remind me what
to expect & that I can do it too! http://ping.fm/pXiqI
I'm told it's normal to feel lathargic for first 1-3 weeks on raw
vegan. Watching "Simply Raw" movie again now. http://ping.fm/pXiqI
I'm feeling very lathargic, don't have my normal mental clarity, nor
energy, from starting this raw vegan diet. http://ping.fm/pXiqI
It's probably the smartest strategy. But it would mean never being
able to talk about Scientology, or Illuminati... etc.
All the Most successful talk show hosts seem to avoid politics,
religion & everything CONTROVERSIAL. Seems difficult.
CNN's Heros show coming up this Thursday evening looks like it's going
to be good. http://ping.fm/lXzkL
Ed's telling me about a grocery store here in NYC that has gourmet raw
food Cheaper than http://rawvolution.com
If Sarah Pallin remains the lead dog on the Republicans sled for 2012.
They don't have a chance in Hell. http://ping.fm/lXzkL
Obama may be the most well-spoken and articulate President we've ever
had. At least in my lifetime... http://ping.fm/lXzkL
READ EVERY WORD, then RETWEET: (this is not optional!): http://ping.fm/9ymsH
Scientology at the center of another mental illness related death.
Wait. That's not news! http://xenu.net & http://ping.fm/WOMDJ
Last time I checked, 18 of the top 20 MOST VIEWED videos on the
Internet were on this or related topic. OWG
Which is WHY The Fed = the Illuminati = One World Government CAUSED
the mortgage crisis?
The whole concept of The Fed, Inc. OWNING the big banks & ALL banking
was their plan all along? http://ping.fm/b3sXG
The Fed = Federal Reserve = private corporation = controlled by the
Illuminati = One World Goverent ? http://ping.fm/7Pavr
Use the ONLY os that's secure. No such thing as a virus for Ubuntu.
It's secure... & far superior... and free. http://Ubuntu.com
Emails are going around about a "huge virus coming". We cannot get a
virus. We don't use crappy Windows or Mac...
I'm using fresh fruit & water during my "first thing in the morning"
workout as a REPLACEMENT for coffee! @BruceDoes
Posting to Twitter by email via TwitterMail.com on an elevator can
cause tweets to post in the wrong order. @brucedoes
Apple iPhone. The only phone you'll ever see that takes 2 hands to
carry. 1 for phone & 1 for AC plug. It's AC, has no battery! :)
Wanna be a telephone guest on our show? We'll be taping at around
10:30am ET this morning. Contact me asap.
Planning to use this, my microblog, as list of topics to discuss on
our daily show. We'll have a guest via telephone. @brucedoes

Monday, November 24, 2008

What's the best way to run Windows inside a virtual machine on Ubuntu,
just so we can run iTunes to update iPhone's OS?
Windows & Mac are history. The future belongs to http://Ubuntu.com
Linux.... and the entire Open Source movement.
http://Ubuntu.com is the free OS that's far superior, easier to use,
more secure & virus-free. Windows & Mac are dead.
Of course we dumped Windows & Mac about a year ago. Now ALL of our
computers run the far superior OS, Ubuntu.
I Hate the fact that my friends & I have to keep an old pc around
still running Windows ONLY so iTunes can update iPhone!
I love love love Gmail's new "Canned Responses" feature! Settings ->
Labs -> Canned Responses is the answer to my prayers!
That's why I always say, any time you have any sort of mileage points
or gift certificates, etc... ALWAYS USE THEM ASAP!!!
He'd never been late on his American Express bill in 17 years but they
cancelled his card to kill his mileage points!
Just on the news how American Express is cancelling cards of members
who have a lot of points. Losing all points!
The sandwich was like a different kind of hummus I'd never tasted
before on a different kind of pita I'd never had before. http://rawvolution.com
My first raw vegan http://rawvolution.com meal was very different
tastes. Not like normal food. fruit, veggies, seeds, & nuts...
It's 5pm and it's pitch black dark I'm NYC. It looks like it's
midnight! Wow. It must be winter. http://ping.fm/lXzkL
Eating my first Raw Vegan meal from http://rawvolution.com delivery.
Mock Turkey Sandwich & Apple Raisin Cookies.
What CNN's Rick Sanchez is doing with Twitter is so cutting edge...
It's revolutionary!
Chumby is one big step getting us closer to that technology. And Open
Source too! AWESOME! See http://ping.fm/n9bNC
How long before I can read all my friends' Twitter tweets scrolling
across my TV screen during my cardio workout?
Discovery: Watch CNN with audio MUTED on cardio elyptical. Best way to
read all the headlines! Like reading Twitter! :)
I'm logging everything I eat @BruceEats & workouts @BruceWorksOut I
should include the time due to email delays...
Does anyone know if you can sync 2 iPhones to the same PC & get the
same music library on both? How?
My friend Greg was showing me his new Acer netbook. $399 or less. He
installed http://Ubuntu.com on it. Hot!!!
We're doing ALL Christmas shopping online this year! Dr Frugal says
Best Site for Online Shopping: http://ping.fm/fKfpJ
They're saying it's gonna be worse than ever... shopping in stores
this year. Everyone's looking for baragains...
Did I mention how much I love http://twittermail.com ? That + http://Ping.fm
& you always Post by Email... Awesome!
With these 5 things as "first things I do each day", combined with my
time logging @brucedoes If I don't do them, I'm just not serious!
When I look at these 5 things... Every single one of them I've been
neglecting for months!
First thing every morning: 1. Gym 2. Show 3. GnuCash 4. Communications
5. To Do List ... If I keep it simple, 5 things, in order...
So here's my new strategy: Do a few things, first thing in the
morning, before anything else... the things I've neglected most.
FOCUS is always one of my biggest challenges. But when I focus on just
one thing... I do it so well, I neglect everything else!
I can never come up with just 3 things I need to do. Not even 30. It's
always like 300 things... and I'm just getting started...
I am a thinker. If you know me, you know... I never stop thinking.
Which is why, when I sit down to make a To Do list...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Michael Jackson is arriving in London, being sued by the freaky Arab
Sheik who showered him with gifts... http://ping.fm/RqxrK
If Michael Jackson had never had any plastic surgery, he'd probably
look like a decent looking black man now...
Michael Jackson is 50!? Sadly he looks like a 100 year old woman who's
had too much surgery http://ping.fm/RqxrK
This applies to ALL American industry. Not just the auto industry,
banks, health care, insurance, unions, doctors. SELFISH.
Culture of Japanese industry: extreme collaboration. We we we we. How
can we make the BEST product? Screw the short term.
Culture of American industry: extreme individualism. Me me me me.
What's in it for me? Screw the co., product & customer.
They can taunt the world, "Whatta ya gonna do!? Huh!? Let me fail!?
Huh!?" They can do WHATEVER they want. @brucedoes
The auto & banking industries are acting like the spoiled rich kid who
knows daddy will always come bail him out of jail.
The auto industry salaries - from line worker to the CEO - needs to be
directly tied to the PROFIT of the company.
Even the overpaid lazy UAW line workers making, what $40-60 per hour
to lift a screw & push a button..? @brucedoes
The auto industry fat cats are corrupt & lazy from top to bottom.
INSANE CEO salaries 22 times what Toyota makes...
So, on one hand, a reason seems shallow. On the other hand, no reason
seems unbelievable. Do we need a reason?
They've always demanded to know, "Why? How could you love me? You
don't even know me..." as if I needed a reason.
Meanwhile, I've had the opposite experience. With a stranger. I've
told them I love them. In a spiritual sense...
Does it make our love less sincere? Less genuine? More selfish? If we
love someone who gives of himself continuously?
Had a profound thought. Why do we love the people we love? Because
they treat us well? And if they didn't? Would we not?
Ed's sick. Fever, chills, terrible. Been up comforting him. He never
gets sick. Reminds me how much I love him. @brucedoes

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Congress should demand that GM explain why it destroyed the EV-1... http://ping.fm/gH7Fb
The American auto industry has already proven itself time & time again
incapable of doing what's right. Never has yet!
Rather than unrealistic demands on way auto industry operates, give
the bailout $ to cos already DOING the right things!?!?
Spoiled! We are.. These new Bus Lines are all about luxury! First
class comfort, fast WI-FI, AC power outlets & $1 fares!
Although there are others, I think I'll stick with http://tweetlater.com
It works well & I'd rather Un-follow manually..
I highly recommend you get the Premium service from http://slydial.com
It comes to about $2.40/month & SO worth it!
I need a tool that will, whenever I get a DM containing "thanks for the follow", & "free", "blog" or "ebook"... it'd automatically BLOCK him
Twitter + History = Twistory. A twitter diary, adding your tweets to your calendar. This is cool for time-logging.. http://www.twistory.net
Gmail, when are you going to support video chat on the best OS on
earth, Ubuntu Linux...? http://Ubuntu.com @brucedoes
Folks at http://SlyDial.com ... Read what people are saying about you
http://SlyDial.com When will the free iPhone app be here? It's been
released but I'm checking the App Store every day!!!
Even though it's free, I bought the premium ad-free version of http://SlyDial.com
because I use it so much. $2.40 per month.
NOTHING makes keeping in touch with friends & family easier! http://SlyDial.com
is da BOMB!!!
To post by email, I use http://ping.fm for my main microblogging. And
I use http://twittermail.com for all my other Twitter accounts.
Great example of benefit of post by email: iPhone wouldn't connect to
net. Posts stayed in Outbox & sent later automatically.
Loving how I easily post to all of my various Twitter accounts, all
via email, by simply selecting which address to send to.
I'm now posting my time log (what I am doing) @BruceDoes my food log
@BruceEats and my workout log @BruceWorksOut
I'm now logging every workout I do at @BruceWorksOut for my own
record. But if you're curious you can check it out or follow.
If I don't do these 2 things first thing when I wake up, I won't do
them. So 1st thing: work out 2nd thing: our daily podcast
I'm now logging everything I consume - food & drink at @BruceEats
Watch the Film that Inspired Me: http://ping.fm/B7yXL
Between now & Sunday evening, when my http://rawvolution.com boxes
arrive, I'm doing a water-only fast. Starting now!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I've ordered my two http://rawvolution.com boxes for the week. They'll
be devilered Sunday. I'm really going to try 100% raw!
And, naturally, this account, @brucewagner ...will remain my Microblog. :)
I'll update all 4 of these Twitter accounts via email... using http://Ping.fm for microblogging & http://TwitterMail.com for the other 3...
I think @brucedoes will help me see where all of my time goes, too... Sort of, a form of time logging...
I'll use @brucedoes for traditional 'status updates'... in other words, "What am I doing right now?" updates... When you're dying to know...
I'll also be logging all my workouts and exercise @bruceworksout Also, for my own record... But, YIPPEE! You get to see too! #bruceworksout
So... Instead of logging all of that here... I just now finished setting up @bruceeats & @bruceworksout & @brucedoes Twitter accounts. :)
Ok. I got it... Not EVERYONE is interested in hearing what I ate for every meal. :) I wondered about the wisdom of using twitter for that...
In the meantime, I can still workout for 1 hour every morning as soon
as I wake up... Then tape our podcast right after...
That's alot of money. But how much is your health worth? I think I'll
order 1 box from http://RawVolution.com & see how it goes.
But... http://RawVolution.com isn't cheap. One "box" is $145 a week,
delivered. And it looks like I'd need 2 boxes!
That was silly of me. But since I'm not into food prep, I'm looking
into a raw food meal delivery plan called http://RawVolution.com
Good Morning! I had to put the raw food diet on hold for the moment
because I thought Ed would make all our meals. :)
Wouldn't it be cool if you could tell how many people are following
you on SMS? Are you getting this on SMS?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Maybe someone read my blog article http://ping.fm/wTGP1 Gay activists focusing on rights issues other than marriage http://ping.fm/7rlOw
And now I go to their site and SEE IT THERE! OMG! SkyDial voice app for the iPhone AND the Blackberry! Sooo AWESOME! http://ping.fm/R7akz
OMG It's exactly what I was dreaming of! I just was telling Ed the other day! An iPhone voice app for SlyDial would TRANSFORM communication!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

http://slydial.com "is the new Text Messaging"... of the 21st
Century! And... I say... It's About Time! :)
By SlyDialing someone... No harm done. Don't let anyone try to
convince you it's wrong. It's just a new form of messaging.
Just as voice messaging is far superior to (more efficient than)
text... Broadcasting is more efficient than writing (blogging).
...because voice messaging is SO superior to text messaging. http://slydial.com
I will also use http://slydial.com as a TOTAL REPLACEMENT for text
messaging, email, IM, etc, as much as I possibly can...
Unless I need to have a voice meeting with someone right NOW,... I
will ONLY call people using http://slydial.com
In my new communication plan, voice calls get highest priority because
voice is at least 10,000 times more efficient than text.
CHAT is any voice call lasting more than 2 minutes, or any text
messaging more than 140 chars, (1 line), once a day.
Instant Effective Communication is Essential. but... CHAT is the
enemy. There's no bigger time-waster. ...
In these modern times we are quickly overwhelmed with too much
communication & too little time... That's why...
Being quickly accessible to answer a question is much more important
than being available for long calls... but unreachable.
Why? Seems kinda rude? It's actually not. If you answer every call
instantly & reply to every text daily, you're accessible!
Don't hesitate. Don't wait for things to be perfect. Use the "JPR
Production Method"(tm) (JPR = Just Press Record)
7. Broadcast - an audio program daily, a video program weekly. Use
your own microblog stream as the discussion topics.
6. Avoid traditional blogging (writing full articles). Your time is
more effectively spent broadcasting than writing.
Microblog to: blog, collect great ideas, show topic ideas, "notes to
self", sharing, announcements, logging progress.
5. Microblog (posting via ping.fm by email) continuously - every time
you have an important thought. ...
4. Reply to ALL text msging (incl SMS, email, Twitter, IM, chat) only
ONE reply per DAY & only ONE line (140 char).
3. Enforce a strict 2 minute limit on all phone conversations (using a
timer!) ...
My New Communication Plan: 1. Answer every phone call 2. Return
voicemails immediately ...
Once in a while the http://ping.fm web interface on iPhone LOSES a
post! Bummer! Another reason I prefer their Post by Email.
Good Morning, this afternoon.. :) Just finished setting up my http://TweetLater.com account to automatically follow back all who follow me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just now I had about half a cup of walnuts, and an apple... and drank lots more water. :) #bruceeats
Today I had a "green smoothie" (I call it liquid salad) (Ed made it), and drank lots of water and 2 bananas and lots of almonds. #bruceeats
I'm going to also log all of my workouts (exercise) activity too. I'll hashtag those as #bruceworksout See: http://ping.fm/PgLoy
I'm going to also log all of my workouts (exercise) activity too. I'll hashtag those logged items at #bruceworksout See: http://ping.fm/PgLoy
...which makes #bruceeats items into a clickable link, to take you to the list of them all, here: http://ping.fm/woPVN
I'm going to try logging everything I eat... For my own record, and anyone's curiosity... I'll hashtag those entries with #bruceeats :)
Is http://GrandCentral.com giving away any new phone numbers (new accounts)...? Does anyone know...?
I'll report back here to let you know how it goes. I'll log every
entry of what I eat. http://ping.fm/ejtsB
After watching Simply Raw-Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, i've decided
to go raw for 30 days. Starting Now http://ping.fm/KCDO1
Is http://ping.fm/Gur2U giving away any new phone numbers (new accounts)...? Does anyone know?
With the recent outages, you might want to subscribe to the RSS for the Twitter Status Blog http://status.twitter.com in your Google Reader.
SHARE THIS FILM: "Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" complete film: (1) get http://utorrent.com (2) download http://ping.fm/L40le
SHARE THIS FILM: "Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" complete film: (1) get http://utorrent.com (2) download torrent http://ping.fm/L40le
SHARE THIS FILM: "Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" short trailer: http://ping.fm/ejtsB long trailer: http://ping.fm/HSRAi

Monday, November 17, 2008

Looks like http://getsatisfaction.com has some competition now, with http://uservoice.com Which one is better so far?
Looks like http://ping.fm/0PnyV has some competition now, with http://uservoice.com Which one is better so far? (http://uservoice.com)
I would LOVE it if http://Blip.fm had an interface to http://Ping.fm THAT would automatically announce blips EVERYWHERE in one fell swoop...
If I were an up-and-coming artist or band, I would SO call myself, "Unknown Artist"...! :)
My favorite song of all time: It's called "Track 8" Have you heard of it? It's by "Unknown Artist"
I don't even know what phone / PDA to recommend to people any more. There really ARE no good choices on the market right now... Soon tho...
Now, when someone asks me, "What have you been up to?" I just say, see http://twitter.com/brucewagner
Disclaimer no. 2: SlyDial sometimes does ring through and the person
answers - even tho they claim this doesn't happen. http://ping.fm/wzcfz
ANOTHER reason why posting via ping.fm "Post by Email" is the best. If
anything goes wrong, it's still in your Sent folder.
Disclaimers of 2 of my favorite things: Ping.fm on iPhone web
sometimes drops updates. It says it went through, but it didn't. :(
No more, "I called & your voicemail was full!" My new system has
unlimited capacity & super fast auto-callback! GrandCentral + SlyDial
= Yay
Now back to organizing our phone numbers. Can you believe Ed & I have 13 phone numbers between us!? Geez "& your voicemail is always full!"
With Twitter you can broadcast your best thoughts to your fans (like
blogging) without them feeling spammed (like email).
And one can reply in real time OR 3 days later... just like with
SMS... And only 140 characters are ever expected.
The forced short message length is the greatest advantage because no
one feels intimidated by a 13 paragraph email.
Twitter facilitates / promotes Group Discussions by Defaut; private
one-on-one is optional... With Email it's the opposite.
Twitter SO is "the new email"... But it's better! It's best feature all of: the 140 character limit. Sounds like I'm joking. But I'm not. :)
Oh, and did I mention, http://Wordpress.com has a Google Pagerank of
9 (highest). Means tons of reach & replies for you!
HOT: From your iPhone browser, "Mail Link to This Page" to compose to
your "Ping.fm Post by Email" address! ROCKS!
...because your wordpress.com blog creates (becomes) a permanent
searchable RECORD of all your tweets! http://ping.fm/bKdjR
Another very important point: it's great to have all your tweets going
thru http://ping.fm to your wordpress.com blog because...
Ed & I (neither of us) could remember for the life of us, how to spell
"reminisce", just now... http://ping.fm/uMBOb
Just reminiscing about the good ol days when we could just "beam"
contacts from my Treo to his. iPhone sucks
Ed & I
Someone SO needs to create a web-based, check as you type, AJAX
spelling finder tool... similar to http://ping.fm/5Msfc
Perhaps tomorrow I'll start my new Hydroxycut + Water Only Diet. We'll see. I hate it when people ask you if you're pregnant when you're not
Good Sunny Morning, World! Sunny but chilly 37 in NYC this morning. Coffee so is my Crack! Making some. Listening to tunes on http://Blip.fm

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ban Straight Marriage! the government should get out of the business of sanctioning ANY relationships. (Pls Digg it!) http://ping.fm/4vbbD
Gay Marriage: We are misleading people into believing that gay marriage is somehow ILLEGAL. Yet, it is not! http://ping.fm/5lRJi
Gay Marriage: We’re fighting for “the right” to be shackled to the same wall as all the other slaves…. ”for the sake of equality”.
Next two tweets are quotes from my new blog post: "Proposed Ban on Straight Marriage" http://ping.fm/5lRJi
If you know what you're here to do, Ya gotta put it out there. But you also gotta start walking toward it. Take action knowing its happening
Proposed Ban on Straight Marriage « Bruce’s Journal (http://ping.fm/5lRJi)
Oh, and btw, Lindsay Lohan lives in our building... But she's never been "Bossy" to us... :-P Only sweet. :)
Loving how my Playlist of my personal favorite music plays continuously forever on http://blip.fm (See http://ping.fm/T1DcU/profile/BruceWagner/playlist)

Proposal to Ban Straight Marriage

It's a sad day.

Perhaps if as many people had turned out to VOTE.... as are now
PROTESTING loudly.... we'd still have gay marriage in California.

( see http://ping.fm/tsmVl )

But anyway...

I wonder what all will happen...

However, we do now have it in Connecticut and New Jersey. Right?

So this is just another reason for my gay brother and his husband (who
recently married in California), who live in Cleveland, to come visit
us in NYC. As I told them, "You can come visit us... and get married
here (again) while you're at it."

Wait. Does this mean they can't get married AGAIN until they get
divorced? Or is the marriage (legally) already null and void...?

I totally "get" that... it's the principal of the thing. It's about

I do get that.


Personally, I would vote for a ban of ALL government-licensed personal


  • friendships,
  • dating, and
  • marriage

You see...

We also could achieve equality if NO ONE could get married
"legally" (by a license from the government).... Yet EVERYONE could
get married privately, personally, at home, or in their churches, with
families, etc.

The government should get its nose out of ALL of our bedrooms, and out
of ALL of our marriages.

I say.....

Ban Government Licensing Straight Marriages!

Ban the government from issuing licenses for ANY kind of
relationship. Period. Ban ALL marriages from being licensed by the
government, in fact.

You see, the second part of what I'd like to see -- which is the most IMPORTANT part -- WE ALREADY HAVE.

We (gays and straights) CAN ALREADY get married... WITHOUT a license from the government.

We can get married in our church (many churches anyway). We can get married at home. We can get married at the Four Seasons Grand Ballroom.

I keep hearing children, around 8 - 16 years old, asking their moms, "I don't get it. Why do gay people even have to ask anyone's permission, and put it up to a vote? It makes no sense."

Children are the wisest of us all.

It's so obvious, really.

The answer: We Don't!

Won't someone PLEASE tell me WHY OH WHY do we want the government's permission, to LICENSE our personal relationships....?


So we can then later qualify for a government licensed DIVORCE...?

I'm not seeing any advantage here.

We already have everything I would want.

Get the government OUT of the personal relationship-licensing business.

Many very intelligent straight people are already REJECTING government-licensed relationships (government-licensed marriage). Oprah, for example, comes to mind. It's also the largest trend in Europe. The vast majority of young straight couples are CHOOSING AGAINST government-licensed marriage, and either just living together or getting married in their church WITHOUT a government license.

Our fighting for "Gay Marriage" is doing harm, in my opinion, in two huge ways.

(1) We are fighting FOR the government to get MORE involved in our bedroom and our personal relationships. We should be fighting for LESS government invasion of our bedrooms and our personal relationships.

It's kind of like... Equality seeking slaves, thrown in a prison cell... Seeing others shackled to a wall... They begin fighting for the right to be shackled to the wall too! We want equality! We want shackles just like THOSE people have!

Is that REALLY what we want? I think we have gotten all emotional and not thought it through. Shackling ALL of us to the government's wall is NOT the way I prefer to achieve my equality, thank you very much.

And... Even more importantly...

(2) The incorrect phrasing of the entire issue is MISLEADING EVERYONE!

We ALREADY HAVE "Gay Marriage".

What some are fighting for is NOT "Gay Marriage".... In reality, to use CORRECT TERMINOLOGY...

They are fighting for:

More Government LICENSING of Personal Relationships

If you call it that.... It suddenly doesn't sound so cool. Not so attractive.

The Problem: By calling it "Gay Marriage", we are IMPLYING that we cannot get married now. And people are believing that!

Gays CAN get married now! We get married every day, in every state.

We Don't Need, and We Don't Want, and We're not Asking for..... the Government's PERMISSION.


Gay Marriage IS LEGAL IN ALL 50 SATES.

It's just not GOVERNMENT-LICENSED in every state.

And marriage should NOT be government-licensed in any state. Not for gays. Not for straights. Not for ANYONE.

  1. We're fighting for "the right" to be shackled to the same wall as all the other slaves.... "for the sake of equality".
  2. We are misleading people into believing that gay marriage is somehow ILLEGAL. Yet, it is not!

(It's just not licensed. A good thing!)

I say, "Ban Straight Marriage!"

Or, to be more clear, "Ban Government Licensing of All Marriage!"

It's a personal matter. It's not a government issue.

By the way, I'm not the first one to think of this.

In fact, a simple google search yields 270,000+ results.

In fact, we already have our own t-shrit for the cause... Yeay!!! :)

Uh. Err. No wait. That's not a t-shirt. It's a dog bowl.

Here's the t-shirt.

I like the design of the dogie bowl better.

But I'm not wearing the dogie bowl out of the house.

No way.

Here we go... this one is much better... This is the one I'll buy and wear.

Look for me.

Perhaps if as many people had shown up to VOTE as r now PROTESTING,
we'd have gay marriage in CA http://ping.fm/tsmVl

Saturday, November 15, 2008

HOT HOT HOT POWER TIP: Use http://SlyDial.com to return calls from your http://GrandCentral.com number by Adding SlyDial as a Contact in GC

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ed & I are planning to begin recording our daily podcast & stream the video live, beginning Monday. Wanna be a telephone guest? @reply to me
I hear that the US dollar is almost 1-to-1 with the Euro... A good time to visit Europe or London... Maybe it's a bad time to visit USA...?
I have an odd problem with my Sony Vaio VGN-TX650P notebook. The cord has no short, but if moved, the power dies instantly! No power! Dead!
Wow... http://last.fm & http://live365.com & http://pandora.com must all be in PANIC MODE with the amazing AWESOMENESS of http://blip.fm eh?
Oh just tooo cool... How http://blip.fm widget INSIDE your http://retaggr.com card PLAYS the music you're currently listening to for friends
Anyone know of an automated tool for twitter... to automatically UNfollow everyone who does not follow you back...?
"Think microblogging is all about announcing what you had for lunch? Think again. In 'Twitter Means Business,'..." http://ping.fm/4ExeW
How to Stay Annonymous & How to Bypass Web Filters (http://ping.fm/kCJh9)
Excellent Documentary: "Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" now on Mininova (http://ping.fm/COVma)
New Blog Post: “How I Use Twitter” - My Latest Strategy for Getting the
Most out of Twitter http://ping.fm/ZTLtL
No Way! No Way! No Way! DownloadHelper so totally captures Blip.fm MP3s! :) (http://ping.fm/3TB32)
This is SO COOL... The future of music, to be sure! Blip.fm (http://ping.fm/kveyb)
More Interesting: YouTube director Patrick Walker joins board of myvideorights.com (http://ping.fm/1Xtg2)
Interesting. myvideorights.com (http://ping.fm/HGg5y)
New Blog Post: "How I Use Twitter" My Latest Strategy for Getting the
Most out of Twitter http://ping.fm/ZTLtL

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Since Google Search & Google Alerts don't have RSS feeds any more, how can I automatically get such updates in my Reader? Any ideas?
An Open Letter to Blip.fm « Bruce’s Journal (http://ping.fm/bUJ0i)

An Open Letter to Blip.fm

This service is so:

1. easy
2. brilliant
3. powerful

....in design.

No kludgey bazillion buttons that make no sense and often don't work... (like Last.fm)

And no hideous AT&T ads dancing all over the screen.... (like Last.fm)

It just works.

And it's as easy to use as Twitter.


Makes me wanna make a DONATION to support you guys!

Bruce Wagner
Is Twitter still down? I'm discovering the COOLNESS of (http://blip.fm)
Putting the finishing touches on an article called, "How I Use Twitter". Meanwhile, Twitter seems to be down. Posting this on http://Ping.fm
Crap! Composing a long article as iPhone email to myself. Time to save
my work! Save as Draft. Lose all work! iPhone sucks!
He's become a Twitter evangelist, in fact! http://ping.fm/AIJY9
MC Hammer has had the wisdom & foresight to see the power of this
amazing tool & put it to it's fullest excellent use!
...an amazing highly interactive community. Not just fans, but tons of
new online friendships too. Bravo, Hammer!
MCHammer has used Twitter ( http://ping.fm/AIJY9 ) and a Blog ( http://MCHammer.com
) to create...
@mchammer Have you seen this news? Would love to hear your thoughts on
it. http://ping.fm/2pSkW
This new site looks VERY cool!
5:25am He's home. Safe & sound. heard him come in & now hear him watching tv..!? must be too wired to sleep. he must think I'm sound asleep.
4am. woke out of sound sleep to feel he's not there! called. still out
with birthday girl Fere & the girls. he'll be home soon.
The most exciting use of Twitter I've discovered is the access to
great minds
People use Twitter for networking, marketing (spam), friend & family
chat, blogging, promotion, ego-building & news.
This week I've been trying to figure out this Twitter phenominon.
There're so many strategies for putting it to it's best use.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The coolest of them all, I have to say, is the: "Post by Email"
feature of http://Ping.fm That's changing the world!
I've become totally adicted to all the cool new toys (aka "tools") on
the web. Like crack for me! As productive as TV...
As much as I love RSSfwd & Google Allerts... I'm turning them all off
& putting everything into Google Reader on iGoogle.
I followed loads of new people today & I'm so glad I did. I'm loving
hearing your thoughts & feedback! :) New friends!
Went to the wrong station. Went to Grand Central instead of Penn
Station and missed my train. :(
On a mad UNSUBSCRIBE & FILTER frenzy. Moving all Reading from email to Reader. Unsubscribing EVERYTHING. Reclaiming email for communication!
If this keeps on building we might be forced to deal with a fair and open administration. http://ping.fm/xJxin
What's up with trend in making "captcha" images that are not even READABLE by HUMANS?!? Google, nearly impossible. Digg, bad. Getting worse!
"I've been holding my breath since 2001 for this patch," Microsoft Security Patch Was Seven Years in the Making - PC World (http://ping.fm/ARGzS)
Ok. Maybe the entire world already knows about it, but I just discovered Techmeme... Nice! (http://techmeme.com/)
Elise Estrada did a remix of Kelly's "Shoes"... Wow! (http://ping.fm/muUeL)
If I look at your web site, and I'm interested... I'll inquire. But please don't send me direct messages about what you sell/do for a living
Liam Sullivan has his own youtube channel full of Insane Hilarity! (http://ping.fm/l5Z28)
Liam, no matter how many times we watch this one, we still crack up! (http://ping.fm/rrupl)
They both have the same content tho... So, here it is: The Wagner Post http://ping.fm/2OoWM
I just decided to start listing my Blogger blog as my main blog rather than my Wordpress.com... because Blogger allows widgets like Retaggr.
Very Cool... My new Retaggr profile card: (http://ping.fm/9UOIT?289,35)
Pretty Cool New Stuff: Bruce Wagner - Add Me on Retaggr (http://ping.fm/cUEFc)
Last.fm seems to have come a long way since I looked at it last. Lindsay Lohan – Bossy (http://ping.fm/lfNKD)
Do you listen to online music...? If so, what do you prefer? Last.fm? Pandora? Live365? Other? and why?
What's Crazy!? @kevinrose has 53 PAGES of new followers in only THE LAST 3 DAYS! My buddy got twitter just to follow him. He's on pg 53 now!
Send me an automated "Thank you for following me. Get your free gift at my web site." message... and SEE HOW FAST I STOP FOLLOWING YOU. :)
Google Privacy Channel? I admit it's lame, but at least Google is MENTIONING the word privacy. How long did it take Reagan to mention AIDS?
As soon as I finish binging on Halloween candy neighbor gave me for helping her (telling her that her router fried), I've gotta lose 35 lbs.
What's your PRIMARY purpose for using Twitter? Don't wanna know the secondary reasons. What is THE number one honest reason you use Twitter?
Coffee's ready! & iPhone's dead again. Have I mentioned today how SHORT the battery life is on iPhone? And how SHORT the power cord is too!?
Good Morning, World! Rise & Shine! :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Only in New York City... What AMAZING talent for amateur karaoke
night.. They all sing like Pros!
Watching Shequida at Splash NYC. She's so fun! Decided to get her as a
Just arriving at Splash to celebrate Oscar's 40th Birthday!
Or, allow FOSS developers access to whatever they need to develop the plug-in for Gmail Video Chat for Ubuntu Linux... http://ping.fm/Z34RC
Google, please don't forget us open source users.... those of us on Ubuntu Linux... http://ping.fm/Z34RC
Google Adds Voice And Video Chat to Gmail (http://ping.fm/scoZ9)
Such a bizarre feeling... that the President of the United States is just outside our window... Watching 2 Airforce One helicopters take off
Someone told me that Twitter now has a limit, that new users cannot 'follow' more than 2,000 people. Is that true?
Or maybe the browser could give me a big red warning screen when I'm reading any article that's more than one year old... Oh Developers...?
Darn! I keep getting burned reading old out-of-date articles online, and forgetting to check the publication date first... I hate that!
For large file transfer... Why doesn't EVERYONE use http://
stashbox.org ? Am I missing something? What's the catch?
Forming 1st chapter of W2A (Web2.0 Addicts Anonymous). (No relation to anti-cult of Scientology group) For addicts of Web2's Daily New Toys!
http://ping.fm/p/xeVr1 - We can see Bush's face with the binoculars as the camera crews run to
keep up with him...
http://ping.fm/p/nLtZP - Bush arrives: two Air Force One helicopters and one military
helicopter land on USS Interpid
Just got bit by the "iPhone backspace key gets stuck On" bug again. Infuriating! How stupid is this bug? How easy to fix!? Easier to ignore?
Mary says this one's funnier. Richard Simmons on Whose Line. I know
RS. He's not campy in real life

Monday, November 10, 2008

Find out who you're following that's not following you back, and who's following you that you're not following back. http://ping.fm/58r7V
Excellent Article for the book, news & media industries: 'The Market and the Internet Don't Care if You Make Money' http://ping.fm/RTowT
Loving Foxmark's iPhone web interface! http://ping.fm/BtvCj Perfect because it automatically sync's all my Link Toolbar to everywhere!
I wonder if there's any limit to the number of Filters you can create within your Gmail account...?
Internet Attacks Are Growing More Potent and Complex - NYTimes.com (http://ping.fm/fvImh)
Keystream Unveils SmartAd, Wants To Turn Watching Videos Into A Painful Experience (http://ping.fm/IdxUm)
Researchers hijack botnet for spam study: "possible to infect between 3,500 to 8,000 drones a year, researchers say..." http://ping.fm/TfNYl
Researchers hijack botnet for spam study: "...possible to infect between 3,500 to 8,000 drones a year, the researchers say..." http://ping.fm/TfNYl
Researchers hijack botnet for spam study: Storm worm generated $7,000 or $9,500 in pharmacy sales a day during the time of the experiment.
Too Funny! YouTube - Whose Line Is It Anyway - Robin Williams (http://ping.fm/Y3Jms)
I'm such a good guy. :) I always make sure I don't remove a torrent I've downloaded until it's ratio is 2.0 or more. I've uploaded 2 times.
If you remove someone from being a "friend" on Facebook, does it notify him/her? I don't wanna offend if I remove someone I know by mistake.
MGM Brings Full-Length Content to YouTube - Lifestyle News - Digital Trends (http://ping.fm/rm8YS)
http://ping.fm/p/cPGqL - The Gang having a Blast at Monty Trainer's in South Beach
http://ping.fm/p/qQbMf - The Gang having a Blast at Monty Trainer's in South Beach
For the IT'S ABOUT TIME Dept: Smart GPS cellphones automatically report traffic conditions--both ways! (http://ping.fm/qJORk)
For the IT'S ABOUT TIME Dept: Smart GPS cellphones automatically report traffic conditions--both ways! "Cell phones part of traffic monitoring network" (http://ping.fm/qJORk)
I may be the last person on earth to have installed it... But I am LOVING http://foxmarks.com If you have Firefox, it's a MUST HAVE add-on!
Ok... Well... Ed & I are getting really serious about starting our DAILY podcast (with live vidcast)... Thinking it'll be 9am ET Mon-Fri.
I'm on my fourth page (screen) of iPhone app (and bookmark) buttons... Am I unusual?
Oh, and Apple, while you're learning all about 'Copy & Paste', check into this other one too... It's called 'Find'. Could be good for iPhone
APPLE! There this cool awesome new 1970's technology called "Copy & Paste".... You should look into it for the next generation iPhone...
New Blog Post: "Malicious Anti-Virus Companies!" « Bruce’s Journal (http://ping.fm/WpU2c)
...(cont)... ‘The Antivirus 2009 Web Scanner detected DANGEROUS SPYWARE on your system. Spyware IE Monster. CRITICAL.’...on her Ubuntu Linux
Voicemail from friend just now: “There was a Microsoft Security Warning on my Ubuntu that just popped up,...(continued)...

Malicious Anti-Virus Companies!

I just got an interesting voicemail from good friend... whose laptop I had installed Ubuntu Linux on about 9 months ago. I explained that there's no such thing as a virus for Ubuntu Linux, and thus, there's no such thing as Anti-Virus software for Ubuntu.

Her voicemail said...

"There was a Microsoft Security Warning on my Ubuntu that popped up... stating that, 'The Antivirus 2009 Web Scanner detected DANGEROUS SPYWARE on your system. Spyware IE Monster. CRITICAL.'"

She went on to say,

"This is from Microsoft. I found it kind of strange..."

Yes, Mimi. It IS kind of strange...

Especially considering that there is NO Microsoft software on your computer. There is NO "IE" (Internet Explorer) on your computer. There is NO anti-virus software on your computer. And there is NO virus or spyware on your computer.

You just happened to visit a web site with an ADVERTISEMENT that IMPERSONATES a system warning message.

These advertisements that impersonate system warning messages are designed 100% with the intention of DECEIVING the novice users... and TRICKING them by FRAUDULENT MEANS into buying something... usually, their own crappy anti-virus software, which the user does not need or want.

This practice is, obviously, unethical.

Web sites should never allow advertisements which intentionally trick the user by appearing like a system warning message.


If this ever happens to you:

(1) Copy down the URL (web address) of the web site you are on, when the pop-up advertisement appears.

(2) Click on the ad, and visit the company that is advertising. (This costs them money too, by the way.) Then, go as far as to get the name of the company or the product that they are selling.

(3) Come back here and post that information as a reply to this blog item. Let's expose these unscrupulous scammers, and let the world know that they need to be avoided. Then, when people Google the name of their company, or product, they will find this item, and avoid those fraudulent scammer companies and the web sites who support them.

(4) Write about them on your own blog as well. And be sure to name names!

This is the only way to fight back against these malicious advertisers who try to intentionally trick the public out of their money.

Unfortunately, I think it may be the ONLY way to fight back..... by posting and spreading the truth about them.
So cool... I just installed the http://iGoogle.com widget for http://Ping.fm Trying it out for the 1st time now. Has Character count. Nice!
Someone asked: They are the USS Intrepid (the now stationary museum), and the other one is the USS Bataan (LHD 5) http://ping.fm/BA1AE
http://ping.fm/p/Owggr - Two aircraft carriers in manhattan. The view from my home office.
I could have sworn I posted a picture before, using ping.fm, and it worked. Emailing a png (1298K) didn't seem to work. That's odd. :(
The second love of my life
Google says 120,000 results for "iphone backspace bug" It's a very well-known bug, and goes totally ignored by Apple. http://ping.fm/v2d9X
New Blog Post: "iPhone Backspace key gets Stuck On, Apple Ignores Bugs" http://ping.fm/6AoUa

iPhone Backspace key gets Stuck On, Apple Ignores Bugs


This problem: "iPhone Backspace key gets Stuck On"

I have had this problem for quite some time. You never know when it will happen, or why.

The only thing I have discovered that will STOP it from deleting your ENTIRE message, is to type, type, type..... As fast as you can, begin typing letters.

For example, press gggggggggggggggg And then, suddenly, it seems to interrupt the backspacing.... before it has a chance to delete ALL of your hard work.

Thanks, Apple.

Perhaps this is their "official" best solution..... as this problem has existed --- like so many others --- since the very first versions of the firmware.... and is still present in the latest versions of both the Original iPhone AND the 3G models.... today!

Forget about giving us super sophisticated modern technologies.... like.... Copy & Paste..... for example.... or...... Search or Find.... If you could just fix the simple "Backspace Key Gets Stuck On" bug, that would be tremendous.

Is this too much to ask?
Following all the people smart enough to be talking about installing
Ubuntu Linux Intrepid Ibex, here...
Good Morning, World! Up at a decent hour this morning. Coffee cravings are instantaneous. Gonna dig out my GTD+CP so I know what I'm doing.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

...And his reply: 'Oldest first.' If he can do that.... WHY can't I keep up with MY email...???? Geeeesh! Now I feel stupid. :(
...Yet, I just sent him an email, asking him, 'Do you read your email oldest first or newest first?' Yes answered within 60 seconds...(cont)
For the 'PISSES ME OFF' category: I assume that my friend Craig Newmark, of Craigslist, must get thousands of emails per minute ;) (cont)...
Rather than ‘cat & mouse’ game of DMCA takedown notices, tech offers more efficient way of dealing w pirated content http://ping.fm/jLOcm
Rather than ‘cat & mouse’ game of DMCA takedown notices, tech is offering more efficient way of dealing w pirated content http://ping.fm/jLOcm
Rather than the ‘cat & mouse’ game of DMCA takedown notices, tech is offering more efficient way of dealing w pirated content http://ping.fm/jLOcm
Nominate Ping.fm for Mashable's 2008 Open Web Awards! (http://ping.fm/78pwX)
Oh, now THIS looks COOL!!! You can make an iPhone version of ANY website !!!! (http://ping.fm/ZZeEp)
Been waking up too early & falling asleep too early. So when I woke up
at 6am, took a benedryl & went back to bed. Woke up at 12noon!
New Trend: The new laptop is Free with a 2-year mobile broadband
contract. $50/mo with free laptop or $30/mo without http://ping.fm/Qwnjj
Free iPhone Wi-Fi at Starbucks, McDonalds, Hertz, Wyndom, Marriot,
Hilton, Sheriton, Four Seasons, Holiday Inn http://ping.fm/ABTB6
New iPhone version 2.2 to include direct podcast downloading from
mobile iTunes store.
iPhone Safari browser crashes more often than Windows Vista needs to
reboot! Can't WAIT for the mobile version of Ubuntu!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Please, someone... Tell me how I can keep my iPhone OS updated using Ubuntu Linux.. so I never have to see cursed Windoze or Mac again!?!?
Gonna eat some Daisy May's BBQ now. Yum! & watch a horror movie left over from Halloween from http://Mininova.org Burning to to a DVD now...
Ed & I just got back from a nice little walk to the peir to see the fireworks (42nd St & 12 Ave.) for re-opening of the Intrepid Museum.
I wish I could access ALL of my different Gmail accounts... without logging me out of my Google Calendar... What a bummer! :-( Every time...
Google Notebook (collaborating), combined with Google Docs (collaborating), & Yammer... for collaborating on the web... So Awesome!
Totally Loving Google Notebook for collecting & collaborating on web "clippings"... Combined with Yammer! So Awesome! http://ping.fm/oFbO3
Best bet for stealing Errrrrrr.... "Borrowing".... your neighbor's internet? http://ping.fm/Oooue
New Blog Post: "The Most Powerful and Amazing Tool on the Internet?" http://ping.fm/nYCWR
The PB Top 100 is one to Bookmark and check at least Weekly: http://ping.fm/MwVrI And the Top 100 Movies, especially: http://ping.fm/Z9qWN/201

The Most Powerful and Amazing Tool on the Internet?

This is one of the most powerful and amazing tools on the entire internet:



For example, use it to enter terms like: "Ubuntu video editing" or"Linux video editing" or "open source video editing" or "monetizing amateur video" or "monetizing youtube video" or "monetizing online video" or or or or or... ANY topic you are interested in.


You WILL become the world's expert on that topic within a week.
This is one of the most powerful and amazing tools on the entire internet: http://ping.fm/sQzRq
Cool. Pressing Play on this video consistsnly, instantly, crashes my
iPhone and causes it to reboot.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Five Tweaks for your new Ubuntu Desktop
I guess it's totally predictable. When I asked which is better, iPhone users said iPhone. Blackberry Bold users said Bold. Anyone use BOTH?
I am Crazy in Love with Email -> http://Yammer.com (for private) AND
Email -> http://Ping.fm (for public)!
Am I understading correctly, that wifi is now FREE at McDonalds for
iPhone users...?
FriendFeed now has support for geotagging and geoRSS - giving every
post a cute little google map
Now it's time for me to Focus: My solitary focus must be on "SSA" (my
close friends should be able to guess what that means :-)
How many people, do you suppose, are using wi-fi repeaters to make
"borrowing" their neighbors' internet easier...?
How many people, do you suppose, are using wi-fi repeaters to make
"borrowing" their neighbors' internet easier...?
Adding all of our Sunday Brunch gang to a new Distribution Group in
Notifu http://ping.fm/N8OMr for restaurant
Oh Yes..... Bookmark this link on your iPhone desktop.... Notifu
iPhone web app: http://ping.fm/N8OMr
Here's an idea for a Gmail Widget: One that auto puts the recipient's
full name as SUBJECT when left blank.
Which is better? iPhone or Blackberry Bold?
Why does Time-Warner's speed test say I'm getting 21MB download speed
today (paying for 20MB), yet all other speed sites say it's 1.2MB? Hmmm
Re: Brightcove Then, they'll either be assimilated into Viacom or the like, or they'll go belly up...
The death knoll of Brightcove.com? I smell a quick Bankruptcy coming on. They'll evolve into a small consultancy operation with BIG clients
The "premier broadband television network", Brightcove.com, SHOOTS ITSELF IN THE FOOT charging broadcasters a minimum of $6,000 per year!
Public Launch of http://Notifu.com is only 1 WEEK OLD, but Wow! This is VERY cool! Next release: Notifu to be deployed as an OpenSocial app!
TOO cool for words! It's called Notifu & sends an instant msg (or poll) to a group of friends--no matter how! ANY method! http://notifu.com
An EXCELLENT article about using new media (viral marketing, blogs, ebooks, onine media): Marketing Lessons from the Obama Campaign http://ping.fm/gGv6z
New Blog Post: "Happy Mental Health Day" http://ping.fm/enlNE
New Blog Post: "Steve Garfield is so Cool!" http://ping.fm/R9KFV

Happy Mental Health Day

The love story of Ralph and Edna... Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool. Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable. When she went to tell Edna the news she said, 'Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness. The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead.' Edna replied, 'He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?'

Steve Garfield is so Cool!

My twitter friend, Steve Garfield, is one of the BIGGEST video bloggers on the internet. He was sited in several major blogs as being one of the most influential new media video bloggers in the Obama campaign. Obama's campaign recognized "citizen journalists", whereas the McCain campaign did not. See: http://ping.fm/gGv6z I chat with him almost every day on twitter. Check out this MUST SEE video: http://ping.fm/PPWTF Also, this is his LIVE VIDEO page: http://ping.fm/1CHYz And his main web site: http://ping.fm/grKTd
HOT NEW Blackberry Bold, released yesterday, is FREE today, at Walmart, with signup! http://ping.fm/NRmZe Or order direct at http://ping.fm/lwJgI
You should read Newsweek's "Secrets of the 2008 Campaign" http://ping.fm/tlY2J Chapters 1-6 now online. Very Insightful.
iGoogle is another great way... Update your status on EVERY network... from any blank start page! Make iGoogle (+ Ping.fm) your start page.
"Yes, we can!" We can update our status on every network... directly from Facebook, with the http://ping.fm Facebook application.
I propose that now is the time. Now is the time we never need to mention race again. It's truly less relevant than the color of your shoes.
God, is racism finally behind us now? Have we passed that tipping point by a good enough distance now, that we can stop looking back?
And the entire world wakes up to a new dawn as the most important world leader, Barack Obama, prepares to be our leader, a black man...
The entire world mourns, and heart is breaking, for the terrible pain felt by Jennifer Hudson, another black woman...
As the entite world recognizes the most powerful person in media, Oprah, a black woman...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'll say it again...
Obama is the new JFK.
New Blog Post: "Time-Warner are Scammer Bastards!" http://ping.fm/arxwR

Time-Warner are Scammer Bastards!

I went to their office to pay my bill today, and while I was there I demanded a refund for the Internet service upgrade, called the "Extreme" package, which we have been paying an extra $24.99 a month for, for a year!

The normal Internet service is supposed to be "10MBps". But we've been paying an extra $25 a month, for a year, for "Extreme" which they claim is "20 MBps" service.

We have actually been consistently getting 8-10MBps --- even on Time- Warner's own speed test site!

They totally count on people never checking their own speed.

We've been complaining consistently for the whole year. They have sent technicians out on five different occasions. Each time they had "escalated" it.... First it was the local guy... Then it was the Roadrunner expert... Then it was the regional Roadrunner expert.... The next one was a couple of Roadrunner NATIONAL specialists.

Every time they came out, they claimed that they needed more time... and that they would have to "escalate" it...... Again.... And again.... And again.... (Eventually, I guess the trouble ticket ends up on God's own desk...?)

The technicians actually explained to me, that they advertise "20MBps" service, but internally, they don't even consider it a "problem" as long as the subscriber is getting 80% of the speed they are paying for. So, if you're paying for 20, and you're getting 16, they consider that "acceptable" and they will not even take a trouble report about it...! Scammers!

Well, in this case, anyway, I am paying for 20MB service and getting 8-10MB.

Meanwhile, as you may know, Time-Warner has a policy that you cannot get credit until AFTER the problem has been corrected. However, in this case, SINCE THE PROBLEM HAS NEVER BEEN CORRECTED, they claim that I am due NO CREDIT!!! Can you believe that!?

It's been a whole year ---- and five on-site visits ---- that they have been promising to get it working. And they have been charging us an EXTRA $25 A MONTH for this service which they have NEVER EVER DELIVERED.

It has never worked ---- NOT EVEN FOR ONE DAY!

So.... The best thing they can offer is.... "If you're not happy with the service, you're welcome to cancel it, from this point forward."

"However," they say, "We cannot give you ANY CREDIT ( for the service you've been paying a whole year for, and neves received. )"

They have had such problems getting 20MB service to work.... that they actually STOPPED OFFERING the service to new customers.... SIX MONTHS AGO. But they have no problem continuing to charge us for it.... even to this day.... having NEVER delivered it!

They now claim that I didn't call them to continue complaining enough times. Even though they have detailed logs of every call, every on- site visit, every "escalation",...

Asinine Scammers!

If they weren't a TOTAL MONOPOLY, they wouldn't be in business at all.

Time-Warner are Scammer Bastards!

I went to their office to pay my bill today, and while I was there I
demanded a refund for the Internet service upgrade, called the
"Extreme" package, which we have been paying an extra $24.99 a month
for, for a year!

The normal Internet service is supposed to be "10MBps". But we've
been paying an extra $25 a month, for a year, for "Extreme" which they
claim is "20 MBps" service.

We have actually been consistantly getting 8-10MBps
OBNOXIOUS CATEGORY: Kohls wins the prize for being the first to have Christmas "Holiday Sale" ads on tv already. It's November 6th. Geeeez!
Copy & Paste a 140 char msg into an email Compose window. See how many
lines long it is. That's your giude!!
An awesome tip I just now thought of: Create a message that's EXACTLY
140 characters long in http://Ping.fm
I think using BOTH http://Yammer.com (for private/business) & http://Ping.fm
(for public stuff) "Post by Email" are THE BEST!
At Time-Warner complaining about poor Internet speed. Not getting half
the speed we've been paying for, for a year now!
"Create like a god. Command like a king. Work like a slave." I saw
this on some guy's email signature. Interesting. :-)
When is http://chat.blendapps.com going to offer their web cam chat ad-free for a fee? When will someone create ad-free open source version?
If a teaspn of sugar is 10 cal, 2 tsp in your coffee is 20 calories! That's NOTHING! Why does anyone use cancer-causing "sugar substitutes"?
I have Preferences on Google set to Open search results in a new window, But it seems to forget that setting. I constantly have to reset it.
Trying out http://youmail.com now... Have you tried it? Use it? Like it?
I just nominated http://ping.fm in the @mashable Open Web Awards. Nominate here: http://ping.fm/0PGx9
Chumby is just so cool. It's for the geek in your life BUT it's even better for the nongeek! What a cool new tech toy! Brilliant! http://ping.fm/g3wNL http://www.chumby.com/ http://ping.fm/uhjJV
I'm back home!
Ping.fm: See http://ping.fm/GgNiz For example, you post: "I'm back home! @~l home" - (thats a lowercase L, and remove the ~ )
Ping.fm: I think it may be worth it to update "location" on all networks too. Even Twitter. New things are coming that will use that info.
Ping.fm: I see that if it's more than 140 characters, you really do need to make it a blog post (with
Twitter App on LinkedIn: It's very cool. It is an integrated Twitter
component for your LinkedIn account.
Recently, the professional networking service LinkedIn announced
a new application platform. One of the first applications in the
directory is a neat little app built using Twitter called
Company Buzz. The application lets you see what people are
saying about the companies and topics you care about and there's
a neat little trending component as well. If you're on LinkedIn,
it's really easy to install the app: http://bit.ly/Q2of5
Try it. Just click ADD APP, and then enter whatever topics best
describe your business.

my stream of thought http://ping.fm/cABWS
follow me on http://ping.fm/wzcfz :)
full blog is at http://ping.fm/bKdjR
and I host a talk show on http://bredmedia.com
Good Morning, World! :-)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just arrived at The Cutting Room to watch Joan Rivers live....
Just saw Joan Rivers voting on Access Hollywood. On our way to see her show in just a few minutes. Last time, she picked on Ed on stage! :-)
AT&T Wi-Fi is now free for iPhone users. Bookmark this link for the AT&T Wi-Fi Locator: http://ping.fm/yJSPF
It's time we got rid of the Electoral College & went to a straight popular vote. We also need 6 year terms for President, still limited to 2
A great way to send, or distribute, very large files... http://stashbox.org Why doesn't everyone use it?
...they regarded each other as grizzled veterans of the political wars and shared a certain disdain for Obama as flashy and callow.
Hilary Clinton ws actually on better terms with McCain than she was with Obama. Clinton & McCain had downed shots together on Senate junkets
On the night she officially lost the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton enjoyed a long and friendly phone conversation with McCain.
McCain was relieved to face Sen. Joe Biden as the veep choice, and not Hillary Clinton, whom the McCain camp had truly feared. http://ping.fm/y1SSn
They dubbed it Project Houdini, because of way names disappear off list instantly once people identified as they wait in line at local polls
Obama campaign's New Media experts created a computer program that would allow a volunteer to know exactly who had not voted, in real time.
Obama campaign was provided with reports from Secret Service showing a sharp and disturbing increase in threats to Obama in Sept & early Oct
We ABHOR the way television ads raise the volume by 50 decibels during commercials. When did this ever become a good idea? ...and the norm?
I like how CNN continues news ticker or banner at the bottom of the screen during commercials. Seems good for the viewers & the advertisers.
Ann Nixon Cooper, 106-year-old daughter of slaves born at a time when women & blacks couldn’t vote, cast her ballot. http://ping.fm/1xA2b
Sarah Palin Sold on eBay: Popular as a doll. The one-of-kind Cabbage Patch Doll crafted to look like her. The Palin doll nabbed a US$19,000.
"The long nightmare is OVER!" an avatar on SecondLife named Jordanna Beaumont exclaimed. "Four blocks from Grant Park It's crazy down here."
"Obama Celebrations Rock Cyberspace Globally" see http://ping.fm/V2por
The THREE NATIONS ON EARTH whose people polled preferred McCain were: Namibia, Cuba & Iraq. If I got it right, the source is The Economist.
Ecstatic Global Celebration! Never seen anything like this in our lifetimes! Indonesian kids jumping, screaming, crying, holding Obama pics!
Just like the Whole World mourned when 9-11 happened... The Whole World is CELEBRATING today..... Thank You, God!! Prayers are Answered!!
My hope is that... Once we're all OVER the novelty of our leader being of a different race, we.... NEVER MENTION RACE AGAIN EVER!!! PLEASE!
He is NOT our black president.... He is OUR LEADER!
Oprah all full of tears, Jesse Jackson all full of tears, all the ordinary Americans all full of tears & us all full of tears..Overwhelming!
Millions celebrating Obama victory! Hugs and Tears...among strangers...at the polls yesterday and on the streets today! This is REALLY BIG!!
At long last we have fulfilled the best part of freedom. It's an historic moment. We now have our first Hawaiian president. -Stephen Colbert
In case you don't know about this yet, this is so totally awesome,
"Election 2008" real time twitter feed http://ping.fm/OyQBO
Ohio & Colorado are the KEY bell-weather states. Ohio was only 51% Obama. Too Close! We're definitely moving to Ohio for the next election!
Bush LIVE in CNN. He must be so tired. In an historic turn-out,
American democracy at work screamed loud & clear, You're FIRED!
Awesome picture of the election...
Is it just ME or does your backspace key on your iPhone sometimes get
STUCK ON & backspace over EVERYTHING you typed? THANKS, CR-APPLE!
RSSfwd.com Why not give us a secret addr to email a URL to you, to
automatically subscribe us to that page's feed?
Correction: There's a "-" in there. It's http://wee-web.com