Thursday, September 30, 2010

Email Processing Best Practice in 140 Characters

Email Processing Best Practice in 140 Characters....

Doing Email: (1) One Line Reply Works? Reply+Archive (2) Needs Read/Attention at Desk? Star+Archive (3) Chat? Archive (4) Don't Want? Filter.

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why I Would Never Recommend a Roku TV Box

I asked Roku if it's possible to watch downloaded media, TV, movies,
etc.. from your own computer or network or hard drive.

Here is the reply I just received:


Dear Bruce,
Thank you for contacting ROKU Customer Service. My Name is Sunil and I
will be helping you with your query.
We apologize for the inconvenience and delay in responding to your
valuable query.
As of now Roku player does not support this feature.We do not have any
ETA on this.
You could find channels details from this link.
In future we may extend our partnership with different service.
No updates from our development team regarding this till now.
Any update will be communicated through the ROKU official website.
Please feel free to email us for further queries.
Thank you for providing us with an opportunity to assist you and thank
you for choosing ROKU.
Best Regards,
Roku Customer Service.


Sorry. Wrong answer.

That defeats the whole purpose of why I would ever recommend a TV box...

I recommend the "Boxee Box" or the "WD HD Live" box.

Only Love,


BRUCE RECOMMENDS: We saved $110 per month when we canceled our cable
box... How to Download ANYTHING you want FREE, easy, safe, & LEGAL:

Feel free to text message me or call me:  646-580-0022

There's only one....    ;)

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Facebook Time Machine

If Facebook existed years ago...

Only Love,


There's only one....    ;)

You can text message or call me on:  646-580-0022

All of our contact details are here:

BRUCE RECOMMENDS:  We saved $110 per month when we canceled our cable
box... How to Download ANYTHING you want FREE, easy, safe, & LEGAL:

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Save Hundreds of Dollars per Month while Living in the State of the Art in Productive Technology

I've decided to change Bredtech into a Personal Technology Consultancy practice... where I consultant with people on everything from smart phones to HDTVs to PCs to phone service... teaching them how to save hundreds of dollars a month, while living in the state of the art in productive technology.

Cool, eh?

New rates will be 200 per hour here or over the phone, or 250 per hour at your home/office.

Bruce Wagner

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Friday, September 24, 2010

How We Use Dropbox as List Manager -- Collaborative -- on Steroids

We simply use one single Dropbox account... (and the Dropbox App for Android, and the Dropbox App for iPhone, and the Dropbox App for Ubuntu Linux, Windows, Mac, Blackberry, etc.) to open any of an unlimited number of plain text files called:

  • To Do List
  • Shopping List
  • Master Projects Outline
  • etc., etc. (as many as you can think of)

It works flawlessly and instantly synchs all changes to all 14 of my computers and all 3 of my phones -- even if I edit the files while on an airplane, or on a subway, (with No Service)... 

It synchs instantly as soon as it gets a signal....

Dropbox even has it's own built-in text editor.

It works on EVERY platform...  and is even accessible without any software...  from the web site...  even from a cyber cafe in Pattaya, Thailand...

Dropbox is free up to 2GB of space.  But, of course, we find it to be indispensable and we use it as our "file server in the sky"... so we have a pay account and have about 120GB of storage space on it.


Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

The 7 Ways to Slow Aging

  1. Don’t ever smoke. Smoking is not only hazardous to your lungs and cardiovascular health, but is also found to increase rate of telomere shortening <> , which can lead to dysfunction and instability of chromosomes.
  2. De-stress your life. The more stress you have in your life, the greater risk <>  of increasing the rate of telomere shortening and aging more quickly. How to slow it down? As simple as it might sound, the key is to always have a positive outlook <>  on life. Plus, enjoy a vacation once in a while, enjoy friends and social activities, receive plenty of sleep every night, and try meditation <> .
  3. Exercise regularly. By increasing amounts of physical activity, especially intense physical activity, research <>  shows you could keep your telomeres long and healthy, even buffering <>  the effects of chronic stress.
  4. Get your antioxidants daily. When high amounts of free radicals attack cells (causing oxidative stress <> ), they leave no stone unturned making chromosomes and their telomeres vulnerable to shortening. You can best protect yourself by getting plenty of antioxidants in your diet from eating fruits and vegetables daily and supplements.
  5. Never go without fish oil. Fish oil contains long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are well-known for being healthy to the heart, but recent evidence <>  has shown that increasing amounts in the diet is associated also with slowing telomere shortening over time. You can get enough by eating fish a couple of times per week and by supplementing with long-chain omega-3s daily.
  6. Get enough of the “sunshine vitamin.” Several discoveries have made vitamin D the most popular nutrient of the decade because of its many benefits including an association <>  with longer telomere length. You can make sure you’re getting enough by practicing safe sun exposure and supplementing with vitamin D daily.
  7. Practice safe weight loss. Maintaining a healthy weight is important to keep telomeres long. Incorporating Isagenix products into your weight-loss program such as cleansing and replacing meals with IsaLean shakes and bars is helpful for losing weight and slowing telomere shortening.  

( Source:  Isagenix.   See  Contact me for more information at: )

Only Love,  

Bruce & Ed

There's only one....    ;)  

You can text message or call me on:  646-580-0022  

Contact us here:  

You really need to follow me on Twitter... to stay up with what's going on in my brain...

Bruce Wagner (brucewagner) on Twitter:

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Why I Won't be Recommending MetroPCS Any More -- Starting Today

As I just tweeted,

FAIL: "Speed isn't what we are trying to do," Ed Chao, senior VP of
corporate engineering & network operations, MetroPCS. (from )

And Verizon isn't much better...

"Verizon indicated data speeds on its forthcoming LTE network will
provide average speeds of between 5 Mbps and 12 Mbps." (also from )

Both networks are obviously WAY under-utilizing the LTE technology.
Speed tests have been done in Japan providing data speeds of up to 300

These speed predictions are Lame... a Huge disappointment.

And now that I know that MetroPCS is only implementing LTE for their
own cost savings... and NOT to benefit the users.... I won't be
recommending MetroPCS any more. Starting today.

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

My Letter to - Yes, 'Something is Broke'


"Something is Broke"

I get this error message 20-30 times a day.

I believe it's true.

Something is terribly "Broke" with your Dashboard.

It never used to do this... before....

You made some change to the Dashboard... (Is it always active and
running or something now...?)

Anyway, I have to Refresh the page every time I use it... Or else I
almost ALWAYS get, "Something is Broke".

No longer amusing. :)

Bruce Wagner

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Open Letter to Google: My Wish List for Google Voice

I would love it if I could REPLY to an EMAIL "Notification of a new
Voicemail"... even if that person is not in my Contacts address
book... and have my REPLY go back out to him/her as a TEXT MESSAGE.

In other words, when I reply to a "New voicemail from..." email, I
want the CHOICE to have my email Reply sent back to the caller as....
(1) as an EMAIL... or (2) as a TEXT MESSAGE... EVEN IF THAT PERSON IS
NOT IN MY CONTACTS address book...

See what I mean...?

Only Love,


There's only one....    ;)

You can text message or call me on:  646-580-0022

Contact us here:

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How to Use Email Properly (Instead of Letting It Use You!)

Email can be your productivity downfall....

Or it can be your productivity Godsend.

It's all in How You Use It.

I treat emails like text messages now.  I look at every incoming email instantly on my phone (Gmail).  I then either:  (1) Archive it, or (2) Reply with a one-line reply & Archive it, or (3) If it needs further attention I Star it & then Archive it.  Then, later at my desk, I'll use my Priority Inbox to see "All Starred" messages.  Each of those need an entry copied & pasted to my To Do List and/or my Master Projects Outline.  Once I've done that, I simply remove the Star (& it stays archived).

Also, every time I think of a great idea... or something I need to do, or to buy... or whatever... I email to myself.... the idea.  Then, I process those emails exactly the same way I do all the others -- as described above.

The result is:

People who need an instant answer from me -- like,  "Are you still interested in that $1million contract?" -- get an instant answer -- like,  "Yes!  I absolutely am! :) "

People who just wanna chat usually get ignored (unless I'm really bored myself! :)

Every time I think of a brilliant idea, I get it captured to a place where it belongs -- even if it happens when I have no pen and no cell service.

I'm able to follow through on commitments to others better, and on commitments to myself better too!

I can also process those "Starred" emails even when I'm away from the computer now....  because I keep my To Do List, and my Master Projects Outline, and my Shopping List, etc... as simple text file documents on my computer.... I can use Dropbox to edit those documents from ANY of my computers, or from ANY of my phones, remotely!  Even on an airplane or a subway ride!   The instant my phone gets a cell signal again, all changes to all documents are replicated to ALL of my computers and phones... instantly!

Love technology!

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

The Epidemic of Email. Email's NOT work. It's Interruption. It's Exceptions. Communication shouldn't interfere with Work.

Here's what you need to keep in mind about email...

Email is NOT work.

Email is Interruptions.

Email is Exceptions.

Communication should NOT interfere with real work (i.e. productivity).

1. Record a voicemail greeting, in your own voice, which suggests...
"Sorry I missed your call... Please keep trying to reach me live.
Or, for a fast reply, please send me a text message, or an email..."

2. Get all communications instantly using an Android phone's
universal Notification Bar inbox.

3. Use Google Voice's "notifications via email" features to be
instantly notified of: incoming voicemail messages, text messages,
emails, and even missed calls.

4. Reply quickly with a one-line reply. Instantly click Send, then
click Archive. Get back to productive work.

5. DO NOT REPLY... if the message is just informational, or chat.
Take a quick skim of it. If you need to give it more attention, or
read it more carefully later, then "Star" it and instantly click
"Archive". Replying to a chatty message almost always generates....
more chatty messages.... endlessly. One of the most powerful
communication tools you have is simply to... Not Reply.

6. Don't let a message take your attention away from what you're
working on. If a message is going to need further attention, or needs
added to your To Do list or Projects Outline, then "Star" the message
in Gmail and click "Archive". Later, when you are at your desk and
it's time to do so... Use your Gmail "Priority Inbox" feature to go
through each of the "Starred" and "Read" emails and copy & paste them
into the appropriate To Do list or Projects Outline or whatever...
Then, Archive them. NOTE: In Gmail's Priority Inbox, set the center
section to "More Options" --> "Starred"... so that it shows "All
Starred". This way, you can Star an item and then Archive it. It
will still show up in the center section until you Un-Star it (marking
that you have handled it, or copied the relevant information to the
appropriate list to be dealt with).

7. Save, and Carefully Organize, all documents in a shared Dropbox
account. Use the Dropbox "Pack Rat" feature to save every version
forever -- even if it gets deleted.

8. Use Google Docs only when you need to simultaneously edit a single
document, spreadshret, etc.

9. Use Google Calendar to share and collaborate on calendars for
different purposes.

10. Use Android phones with its specialized Apps for: Gmail, Google
Calendar, and Dropbox, for superior mobile productivity.... even from
your phone.

ALSO: Great Video on this topic:

Only Love,

Bruce & Ed

There's only one....    ;)

You can text message or call me on:  646-580-0022

Contact us here:

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal


I just linked my Post by Email account to a new blogger blog... This is a test. :)

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Monday, September 20, 2010

I hardly ever get a voicemail message. Yet my clients get near instantaneous results /replies. HOW?

Google Voice does more than email your voicemail to you.

It emails your Missed Calls to you too!

You can even Reply to the Missed Call email... and it will send the caller an email back!

As for filling your inbox.... 2 things:

1.  Archive them quickly.

2.  Call 646-580-0022 and listen to MY voicemail greeting.  Many professional business consultants and coaches are using MY voicemail greeting as a template...
Recommending to their clients that they copy my example.

Result:  I hardly ever get a voicemail message.  Yet my clients get near instantaneous results /replies. 

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to be More Effective at Communication in this Connected World we now Live in

Here's how I do it...

What you will need:

  • a free Gmail account     ( see )
  • a free Google Voice account   ( see )
  • an Android phone with the free Google Voice app, Gmail app, and Google Calendar app

Even though I'm very rarely -- almost never -- available for chit chat.....

I'm almost always available for emergencies... and very urgent and important situations.   

That is to say...   ...situations that I consider urgent and important (not necessarily situations that only the other person considers urgent or important).

No matter whether the message comes in through voicemail, text message, email, instant messaging, or even facebook, or twitter....   It could, potentially, be very urgent and important to me...

I almost instantly reply to every measage with at least something like,  "Hi. What's up?"

If the message is urgent and important to me, I handle it immediately...

If not, I reply with something like, "Cool. Busy now. We'll chat later. Ok? xoxo"

If idle chit chat messages come in (from the same person) after that....  I simply don't reply.

I use my Android phone to reply to all these types of messages instantly. 

I get to the bottom of what the person wants immediately...  and as soon as I'm sure it's just chit chat, I tell them I can't chat... and I stop replying.

I use my phone to read every new email message instantly.  If the email requires a one-line reply, I reply instantly.   If the email will require more time, more reading, more research, etc.... then I mark the email with a "star" in my Gmail app....   Then, the next morning when I'm at my desk, I use Gmail's new Priority Inbox feature to organize the priority....  and process all those 'starred' messages appropriately....  Either dealing with them (if it'd take less than 2 minutes each), or by adding it to my own To Do List (which I maintain in Google Docs).

This is how I deal with the processing of my communications.... and why I am so effective, and accessible... to so many people.

It takes 2 seconds -- maximum -- to reply to a text message or an email with, "What's up?".   

It takes the same amount of time...  2 seconds... no matter whether I do it instantly... or three days later.

If I don't respond instantly, I miss opportunities.   ( like the six free tickets a friend is offering me to see Wicked on Broadway tonight! )    That's real money lost.

If I do respond instantly, decide if it's important and urgent to me or not, and only deal with it if it is....  it costs me nothing.   I do text messaging and emails while I'm waiting for an elevator, while I'm walking to the men's room, while I'm waiting for anything, whenever I'm alone...  any time I have a free moment.... all the time.   It's time I wouldn't be doing anything else anyway.... so it's not time wasted.    And it saves alot of time dealing with that stuff later, at my office, the next day, etc.

I also use Google Calendar to collaborate calendars with my closest family and co-workers.   This way I can see that Ed has a meeting from 3pm to 4pm today... within seconds of him booking it...  without him even telling me....  all from my phone!   

I also use Google Talk for instant text messaging.  It's very convenient, free for everyone, it comes in at the other person's computer and their Android phone, and if the other person isn't available to reply... it automatically converts the message into an email, so they can reply via email later.   It works brilliantly!

These new technologies are amazing, and if you're not using them to their fullest.... You're losing out.

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ever heard of the new network marketing company called Isagenix? What about Quality?

I'm still trying to get one piece of crucial information from the company, but I'm having a terrible time trying to get answers to my questions...

It's a very simple question....    Well, three questions, actually....

  1. Are all the ingredients Organic?  ( see )
  2. If so, why do they NEVER mention the word "organic" ANYWHERE on their web sites, videos, marketing materials, product information, product labels, etc., etc., etc...?
  3. Does the product manufacturing totally support Sustainable Agriculture?  ( see

The company has yet to answer me...


They seem to beat around the bush a lot.   

Some people tell me that all the ingredients are organic... but only in private conversations, or via email....  It's never in writing, in print, on any official web site or product literature....  not even on a company blog.    

Something's not right....   and I can't seem to get a straight answer as to why...

Are we the only people asking this question...?

Do customers of Isagenix take these products, and their quality, seriously...?   Or are they just ok with being fed lines and lines of marketing hype?

From their blog web site about product nutrition, we were referred only to this page to answer our questions: 

It's great that they Test all of their ingredients...    But Where do these ingredients Come From?   And What, exactly, are they testing For?   They're very Vague about it...   They talk about what  "respectable companies" ... "should" do....   

But they almost never explicitly tell you what THEY do.  ....except where they mention the industry standard and FDA compliance stuff.   

So we are left to believe that they follow the same Rigid Nutritional Quality Standards as the product manufacturing of.....  Kraft.....  and Cheez-Its....?

It seems clear to me that they're being intentionally evasive by their choice of words.

Why can't they tell us where these ingredients are coming from?     

What countries even?     What pesticides are allowed in those countries?     Countries which allow use of DDT, which is banned in the United States?

Are they farming the ingredients themselves?     Are they harvested from the wild?     Are they buying them wholesale?     And from where?

Are the ingredients Organic?    Farmed?    Wild?   

And what about Sustainability?

If you're going to create a business based on natural products....   Are you looking out for Mother Earth...  and the Farmer...?   Or, are you just buying ingedients wholesale from somewhere on the open market?


Sustainable Agriculture is just as important as product quality.  (see )   It's a whole ecosystem you have to provide for the product.....  in order to sustain its quality, continued availability, and to insure that it doesn't contain any GMO (genetically modified organisms, see ).

Isn't it important to know all these answers....  If you're going to put your OWN name on them....  to promote them to your friends, family, and loved ones....?

In today's culture, it's critical to provide answers to these questions.  Everyone, at least in our circles, wants to know the answers to these questions.

Otherwise, ya may as well believe what the FDA and Kraft Foods tells you about nutrition....

To the Food Manufacturers of the World:    We aren't stupid.   Not anymore.

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A New Best Practice for Personal and Business Telephone Usage for 2011

At first this might sound odd...  But think about it...

I'm in a grocery store, for example. I get a voicemail. I have to wait till I'm outside, with a good signal, and it's a quiet place, and I have privacy for my call... and time to chat... in order to return the call.

If I receive a text message or email, on the other hand, I can reply to it instantly -- literally, in seconds -- even with No Service, even in front of other people, in 2 seconds, even in the middle of a church service, if necessary.  It's just a more efficient method.  ....a new best practice. 

So...   I've decided to make all of my personal and business voicemail greetings say something very similar to this...

"Hello. Thanks for calling. This is Bruce Wagner (of BredTV).  Sorry I missed your call.  Please call me again until you reach me live.  Or, for a fast reply, please send me a text message, or an email.  Send me a text message to this same number, 646-580-0020, or an email, to  Thanks.  I'll speak with you soon."

....then I repeat this whole thing one more time in its entirety... to insure that they actually hear the message.

I think this is the future.  If you miss me on a live phone call... text message me to get a quick question answered, to tell me what you're calling about, or to schedule a mutually convenient time to chat on the phone... or even to schedule an in-person meeting.

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I was just commenting on Facebook about Craig Newmark, the creator and founder of Craigslist...

I can attest that Craig is the "realest" celebrity on the entire
planet ...and one of the most impressive people I've ever met in my
life ....because of his amazing convictions, and his ability to stick
to them so steadfastly. But he's so modest, he also hates when people
say stuff like this... He claims that he's "no big deal". ;) But in
reality, of course, he is a very very big deal. Much bigger than most
people think... the way most people think of craigslist. He is
changing the entire world in profound ways--far more than most humans
could imagine. We love you, Craig. Thanks for being YOU!

Posted via email from Bruce's Journal